LIFT 2017 Resources

We Sing Because We’ve Seen.

What a remarkable time we had at LIFT 2017: A Collective of Worship Leaders, Musicians, and Creative! We had leaders and teams from over 450 churches who came together for a time of renewal and refocusing our hearts on Jesus. There were several different states, regions, backgrounds, and denominations represented at LIFT — but when we lift up the name of Jesus, we become one Church. It was truly a beautiful sight and sound to witness.

There were lots of great sessions and breakouts that happened this year, and because no one was able to go to all of them, we’re releasing several of them for FREE! You’re welcome to download these, share them, and hopefully encourage your team with them. Sign-up below to join our Passion Music and Passion Conferences email lists and we’ll send you a link to the watch / download page.

Also, don’t forget to register early for LIFT 2018. We’ll see you there!




We have had the best month getting to travel all over America with Rock & Worship Roadshow. It was so amazing to carry the songs of Passion into so many cities and watch Jesus touch down into the lives of people. We also got to do it with some of the best artist on the planet. Much love to @stevencurtischapman, @francescamusic, @rendcollective, @familyforce5, @jordanfeliz, @thederekminor, @urbanrescue, @loswhit, @thattonywolfguy, @compassion.

Our hearts are full. Grateful.