Strongholds bowing to the Savior
Resurrection power, over every circumstance…
-It is Finished
A lie is anything that leads us to believe the opposite of what God says about us. And a lie, over time, can become a stronghold — a battle that feels impossible to overcome. You’re not alone if you’ve ever felt imprisoned by a desire, a grief, a guilt, or bitterness. However, we were not designed to live a life of captivity. There is freedom for every one of us in the finished work of Jesus: His death and resurrection.
Have you ever considered what Scripture means when it talks about resurrection power? It says that Jesus holds all authority over death and the same power that raised Jesus from the grave is available to us today. Think about that! Don’t move by it too fast. Resurrection power breathed life into Jesus’ dead bones. It took a body that was dead and began pumping blood through its veins once again. That unrivaled strength did what no man could ever do: it brought life from death, hope from hopelessness.
We can live in that power today. Though each of us will face unforeseen circumstances and undesired hardships, those things do not define us and we are not enslaved to them. What seems impossible becomes possible when there is resurrection power involved. Hurts can be healed. Offenses can be forgiven. Dead things can come to life.
Wherever you find yourself today, remember this: every stronghold must bow to the authority of Jesus. Today we claim not just any power over our circumstances, but the greatest of them all: resurrection power.
“If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.”
Romans 8:11
written by: Jeff Johnson